lodged in tight

Close by is another wall decorated with the ends of used cigarettes inserted into the cracks between bricks end-on, giving the impression of having grown from the mortar whereas these look more like something stored for the winter, like the seeds placed in gaps in the bark of trees by birds. The end-on method would probably provide a better cushioning effect were someone to choose this wall as the one they might as well bang their head against. Having no walls to hand this afternoon I instead started involuntarily frowning severely during a two-hour meeting in which saying words then repeating them shortly afterwards upon failure to receive sufficient confirmatory feedback to indicate that they had been received the first time. Luckily I didn't have to stay in the meeting for the entire two hours, which might have been long enough to consider it worth drawing a brick wall on my notepad and theatrically tapping it against my forehead.

I somewhat failed to complete most of the tasks on my hastily-mentally-scribbled list of things I intended to do this evening but did at least get through the small pile of work photo club magazines which have been sitting in my bag for between three and twelve days. One (one of the two shite ones) contained (in the monthly how-to-create-convincingly-fake-looking-cheesily-over-photoshopped-nonsense slot) a tutorial on how to create fake beams of sunlight whilst the other shite one demonstrated how to really over-saturate landscapes with faked HDR effects. I shall bear both in mind when attempting to catch myself over-contrasting things in the future.

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