Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

A Perfect Pile of Peppers

These luscious bell peppers, so neatly stacked, so vibrant in color, just begged to have their picture taken. No, I didn't buy any, but with gorgeous specimens like these beckoning, some oven-roasted stuffed peppers may soon be on the menu.

I'm beginning to really feel the C-R-U-N-C-H of having multiple performances coming up on the exact same day. (two orchestra performances over the weekend, plus a student recital Saturday afternoon where I'll play a solo and also accompany my friend Joan on her piece). There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to squeeze in all the practice I need plus keep up with my computer work. Work? If I could, I'd be perfectly content to while away my days making music, my trusty flask of bourbon at my side.

Where, oh where did I put my winning lottery ticket?

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