Scattered Polaroids

By sp

I really must have been knackered yesterday, I ended up sleeping for 11 hours and I think I only woke up briefly once, when G got in at 10 (yes, I was asleep before 10).

Progress on my to-do list is slow. To be honest, I still feel like I need a good sleep.

My gloves were a present from this babe, she knitted them herself (talented whatsit), and they are just what I need in this house.

edit: on my to-do list was a quick trip to town. My quick trip ended up being a 3 hour, frantic, panicked retracing of my footsteps when I lost my credit card. It ended up in a shop I'd fleetingly popped into, and the one I'd considered not bothering to check. Reunited with it, I went to Tesco where I bumped into the guys. Jon had to give me a hug, I was still slightly panicky.

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