Biscuit is home

The boys and I went for a walk at 7.30 am, so everyone had had a good run, at 9 am, when Biscuit had to be at the vets for his dental operation.

I sat with Biscuit until he was asleep and then I left him in the vet’s care and took Hero and Beat with me to visit my friend Ingelise and her husband Erik. We had coffee and talked for a couple of hours until the vet’s secretary rang and said, that they were ready to wake Biscuit up.

I went back to the vet’s and sat with Biscuit, when they gave him an injection to wake him up.

About 30 mins after Biscuit had left the operation table, when he was sleeping on my lap, he suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up, trotted (in a very wobbly and inelegant way) to the waiting room, where I managed to catch up with him and found him flirting with a bitch in season. He could hardly keep his balance standing up, but he still thought he was well enough to flirt! Boys!

Soon after that the vet decided that he was well enough to go home and sleep the rest of the anaesthesia off on his ówn sofa.

I picked up some painkillers and antibiotics on the pharmacy on the way home and now all 3 boys are sleeping on chairs and in dog beds around me.

Biscuit seems ok considering that he was under anaesthesia less than 3 hours ago. He is tired and when he gets up, he is moving in a stiff and wobbly way, but he is attentive to the surroundings and does not look unwell – just tired and wobbly.

Hero keeps checking on him and trys to lick his face and mouth, so I have had to keep Biscuit on the sofa and Hero on the floor. Once Biscuit is fully awake, he will tell Hero off, but at the moment I need to try to limit Hero’s caring love a little otherwise it will be too overwhelming for the poor sheltie :-).

This is Biscuit at the vet's just after the operation.

Fingers crossed that he continues to recover well.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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