
By Technophobe

Up on the Roof

Some months ago we installed a sort of porthole in the landing ceiling in order to harness the sun's rays (possibly crepuscular)which have admittedly been a little elusive ever since. It's supposed to connect to a nice shiny tube with a window on the roof, and by a process of internal reflection you get free light! Not sure what happens after sunset, I guess we'll have to blunder about in the dark. LooseCanon was going to do the roof bit but isn't keen on heights and even kitted out as though he were going to scale the north face of the Eiger, he didn't fancy going up beyond gutter level.

But you know how difficult it is to pin builders down to come and do a job for you? Well we thought if we kept some scaffolding poles hostage it would spur them on. This tactic hasn't worked yet, and these are the poles rusting away nicely in the garden. They were glowing well in this morning's sun.

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