
By EmmySusanne

Pheasant for supper

Technique Challenge 21. Street Photography/Reportage

Well, as you can see by my blip, my latest venture into street photography didn't go very well!! The fact that I was in town at 8 in the morning today probably didn't help - seriously, just didn't really get anything blipworthy. I'll try it again another time! :)

Back home and back to work, no idea what to blip, but then somebody dropped off a bunch of pheasants for our dogs (most people in the area know we feed raw and are happy to drop anything off they have shot) - since taking photos of pretty dead things has become a bit of a thing with me (Grouse.. Peacock.. Goose..), here's some more patterns..

Had a lovely evening with PW and HV and some wine, and I went home with a stripper - can't wait to use it tomorrow :)

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