A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

What makes a British Panto !

A principal boy; a stooge; a pantomime cow; a comic duo; slapstick; a dame and a pair of giant legs!

(The principal boy is always a girl and dame is a man! Anyone who doesn't know the traditions must think it is crazy!)

Our Panto, Jack and the Beanstalk finishes tonight. These were taken at this afternoon' s matinee performance. There are lots of other people both on and off stage, the leading lady and lots of other minor parts and of course the chorus but I could only take these when I wasn't on stage or waiting in the wings.

It has been a good show especially when you consider we had a month less time to rehearse than usual. We will celebrate tonight with a party after the pub. Hope I make it that far!

For me I think the stars of the show were the Giants' legs. They were greeted with amazement and laughter when they appeared in the second half each night and I resisted posting them before so as not to spoil the surprise for any body.

Well done the two ladies who were inside them!

The Harden Panto, a great village tradition long may it continue.

See a view from the wings from Corinthian Column.

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