
By paulcoates95

Midway Truck Stop

I used to live in Ludlow (for 6 years). So often I'd find myself winding up and down the A49 - either to Hollyoaks conferences, or Peak Practice or more often to see Man Utd. And the Midway Truck Stop just outside Whitchurch was my haven. I'd get the brownest tea you can imagine, with the most deliciously bad for you double cheese on toast - I'd sit and read the Daily Mirror (the only times since growing up that I would read it) and I'd just watch people come and go.

As we rushed down to Pembridge to see our friends for the weekend, we thought we'd missed our chance. M62 & M6 slow traffic and a jam packed A49 - but we got there with twenty mins to spare. What joy.

If you're every passing, stop in. Such wonderful staff, bad for you but delicious food, such stripped back decor. I've eaten in a few Michelin Star places, and they were wonderful. But none had the charm and comfort food of the Midway Truck Stop.

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