Looking For Buried Treasure

Much to the detriment of my poor shamrock, Snuffy seems determined to unearth something important in its dirt. He's never taken much of an interest in it before, but suddenly it seems to be his purpose in life.

I'm not too worried about him hurting it -- I've had it, or its ancestors for almost 30 years, and have shared its rhizomes with friends and family many times. It just keeps on going and going. It goes dormant occasionally, then revives, blooms and seems wonderfully happy. I need plants like this because I have a black thumb. In the spring when my husband and I would go to the nursery, I'd buy a carload of wonderful plants and usually as we were backing out of the parking lot he'd start to hum "taps". Going home with me was pretty much a death sentence for any plant. Sometimes I can't believe I've managed to keep this shamrock alive all these years. It must be very stubborn.

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