Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Blue On Blue Moments

...My thoughts are: ' Blue On Blue'
They gravitate in my mind's eye this day-
...With remembrances of all the heartache...
And the day, we went our separate ways!

'Tis a Bobby Vinton moment...
...Chiselled out of, the stones of time...
Seen in, the Sands of the Hour Glass-
...Written about, in poetic rhyme...

I never got over losing you...
...I never accepted, your good-bye...
For me, it has been: 'Blue On Blue'
...As the thought of you, still makes me cry...

'Tis almost, as if it was yesterday...
...When we were so very much in love...
When the entire world that we made love in-
...Seemed more like, Heaven up above...

...We said and did all of the right things...
You often completed what I said-
...Mirror reflections of one another, we were...
Truth is, I never got you out of my head!

...And so, I am having a: 'Blue On Blue' moment...
It happens nearly every day, my dear-
...Isn't it absolutely, astonishingly, amazing...
How I still feel, after all of these years?

Theodora (Theo) Onken

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