Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Brutal bird


"through a dirty back door"


"never in my life"


"what is it" (yep sorry all those times you told me what birds were Mum and Dad, they never stuck)


"I wish I had some photo editing programme so I could stitch together a series of pictures for you"

TWW was upstairs having a well deserved nap after a fun filled morning at soft play and I heard some banging in the garden, against what sounded like the back door or kitchen window. We have previous for so-called-scrap men (or thieves as I prefer to call them) coming into our garden so I looked out the window and couldn't see anything, then I wondered if it the wind had picked up. But no, there was bird brutality going on in the garden... Never in my life!

To start with they were closer to the back step and I have a particularly vicious picture of the aggressor with a feather in its mouth, having been pecking at the poor pigeon. I had thought that the pigeon was dead, maybe through hitting the window. But then I realised it was trying to get away. And the two of them tangoed a bit further away from the door. As well as taking pictures I did try and bang on the window to get rid of the brute, but it just looked at me as if to say "what's up". Eventually I shook the handle on the door and it finally flew away. The pigeon was breathing deeply and I started to think maybe I should have let brutus just finish the job. But when I next looked 5 minutes later the pigeon had curled itself up. And then it moved a but further and about 20 minutes later it had gone from the garden. I am not sure whether it will survive though, it was pretty traumatised and there are a lot of feathers in the garden.

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