
Today was the start of the 2014 Crossfit Open and we were down at our box bright and early at 6.30am to take part. It was only announced at 1am this morning our time so no time to over think it, just get down and do it!

The WOD is the same for all competitiors (see this video for more details) across the globe so I'll get to see how I stack up against every, not sure our box.

It was great to see so many competitors from our box at the early morning session. This picture taken by our Coach shows the merry bunch of us afterwards!

This is Tim absolutely beasting through a clean and jerk (with Iain judging him, ready as always with a loud 'NO REP!' if you didn't complete the movement standards). That's another great thing, you are assigned a judge to make sure that it is fair and above board for everyone.

In the end I got 56 reps which I am pretty pleased with. I was aiming for one full round so an extra 11 double unders on top of that was a bonus! Bring on 14.2 next week!

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