
By andypowe11


I'm cycling at 6 most mornings these days, just 4 miles out along the cycle path and back (8 miles in all) but doing it keeps me vaguely fit and I try to go as fast as I can. It's very dark, which I really like cos it kinda takes your mind off how boring it is, and there are very few other cyclists/people about.

This building with graffiti is early on in the ride - it's presumably an old railway shed or something.

Note to self: I'm going to have to stop blipping the cycle path at some point - apart from anything else, there won't be much left to blip - but it's an easy option which is why I keep doing it.

My year's worth of blipping isn't that far away now and I'm thinking about the next 12 months. The options are to stop altogether, to stop doing it every single day, or to keep going as I do now. I'm not in favour of the middle option - part of the fun of blipping is the pressure to do something every single day. I'm not keen to stop either. But I also feel like I've kinda lost my way a bit. My photo-taking is changing but I don't know that it's getting any better to be honest, so I feel like I need to find a new approach.

I'm wondering about writing more and worrying less about the photography but I know that the reality is that will be a bigger drain on my time (which I certainly don't want) cos I tend to spend too long working on the images anyway (just ask my family) and that probably won't change! Whaddayamean you didn't realise I spent time working on the images!? :-)

Dunno what to do really...

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