Oh no you again! get out of my way!

Hello my friends ! It was better day today. Hope you all are ok. I went to the pool eventually and we went to see my swan friends. They normally are near the pool when I used to park the car near the river. Sometimes they are there sometimes not but if you go around at lunchtime they are there waiting for the lunch.
I forgot today to bring some lunch for them and this one almost bit me. My husband arrived from the car with some crisps after swimming and they tried to take it off his hands. I think today they were starving than ever or maybe the man who looked after them didn't arrive yet with the food .
I was hiding behind the bench almost all the time and everybody passing did the same some people with children avoided them because they were a little aggressive. Normally I don't see them like this.
I am felling better today thanks a lot for the lovely commnets like always.

If still you are reading it I want to apologise tho these people I don't read the commentaries everyday. I explained many times I don't feel well all the time. Sometimes I read sometimes not but I try to see the most of the pictures. If I go to the pool or for a walk or I am painting or doing something after two hours I don't have more energy to do anything else. I just want to relax in the bed and enjoy one film or look at the pictures you post for a blip on my little laptop in the bed . That in case I don't have hedache or Fibro fogy or my maind is blurred.
I thing you understand my situation and I am grateful for that. I would like to comment every single person here but you know it is impossible . The good thing of this community is the freedom . We can see the pictures if we feel it or we don't. We can write or we don't. I know many people like me don't have energy or time to read everyday about everybody but I understand it perfectly.
Another thing I want to say again is that I read all my comments you write for me in my journal and I appreciate that. I would like to ask you if you have to say something to me do it in my journal and I will try to answer because normaly I don't see the comments you replaied in your journal. Only when I go to check the picture for second time sometimes.
I have 9503 tracked replies and I don't know how to delete it. I tried to open that but I can't. My memory is geting worse sorry about that. I loos things or I don't remember where I put it etc and this is very frustrating but I have to cope with it and be positive and try to smile everyday.

If somebody can tell me how to delete it please I appreciate it so much .
Thanks very much and please don't get me wrong . It is very dificult for me and semtimes i don't unsertand waht are you speaking about or simple I don't know how to write to you. I will try my best to make you happy.
Sorry for all these peolple are sufrering for some illness or recovering for some kind of pain . Always the sunshine will be there again for everybody.
Have a nice day my lovely friends and hope you forgive me for that.
Thanks for reading me. xx

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