Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Birmingham: The new lens.....

A new lens.....All the better to see you with!

There is a danger when you visit a photography trade show that you could become a bit of a 'dweeb'. With so many camera related companies shining their wares, its important to stay focused...(if you pardon the pun!)

Ella and I enjoyed trying out the lenses on the Panasonic Lumix stand. Oh how they have progressed....and the range of lenses! The fun we had with a luscious Fish Eye 8mm. Its a real quirky little lens, with a real streak for adventure. I paused, like a someone choosing over a box of delicious chocolates. Someone else said, "have you seen the 7 - 14mm lens?"

We snapped the one and only and "rare as hens teeth" lens out of the display cabinet and onto my camera. Oooooooo. Now thats a game changer lens. Crisp, quirky, fun and yet up for more serious shots at 10 - 12mm....

There is something magical about having a new ...(or in my case, a new second hand lens). Its like having a new paintbrush in your tool box. New ideas, and every idea being allowed to flow and become better! Oh, the possibilities. My camera just got that bit more interesting! x

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