How to sum up a day of so many mixed emotions? So many parts?

I got up early and raced back up to my old house to help BB to do a bit of tidying and cleaning.

I raced to my new house to do a walk through. Fantastic! =)

I came to school.

I raced to the lawyer's to get the keys.

I came back to school.

I found out that one of my colleagues had passed away. May you rest in peace, R. My deepest sympathies go to A and the children. All of us were walking around like zombies. Hard to believe that someone so young could be snuffed out like that.

Back to my house to deliver some boxes. The shine slightly tarnished.

A delivery.

Flowers, wine and a balloon from my parents, my sister and her husband and my brother and his girlfriend.

The tears finally flowed freely.

Sadness. Joy. Loneliness. Grief. Things lost. Things gained. Life.

I pulled myself together and continued the unpacking.

Late to bed.

Thank you so much to all who have helped and supported me. Finally I can see the path ahead and it looks mainly good.

Thank you to the P family for all your practical support.

Thank you to my family for all your kind wishes, gifts and thoughts.

Thank you to my Blip family for all your kindness and encouragement.

So much to be grateful for.

BTW - this photo seemed to sum up my day in so many ways and I'm not even sure why. It was the only thing in my pantry. I sort of felt okay though. If you've got your can of baked beans in situ, then you know that everything's going to be fine! =)

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