Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Sincere Apologies

Don't you just love some of the sign translations that crop up all over town making the mundane chore of being out and about, something to really smile about!!!

This one appears in our local supermarket and brought a hearty chuckle.

Followed a lorry up beach road once that had a sticker on the back saying, "Am I drive safe? If so call ***************. This driver just happened to have cut in front of me, pulling in dangerously close....GK sitting beside me decided it warranted a call so dialled the advertised number only to see the driver happily picking up and answering his mobile, minus the hands free and while still driving, would you believe!!!

Think my all time favourite though was one little shop that had a very delapidated sofa outside and its neon light shop name was: "Sofa Recovering" This sofa did look the worse for wear and was sitting there doing just that!!

Another interesting mistranslation is the one many shops use to emphasise where to park in order to shop at their establishment. Emblazoned in bright flashing lights it says...Backside Parking!!

Now if that's not a blip opportunity.....I don't know what is!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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