A Pet A Day - Day 7

Captain Kirk aka Kirky man
Dwarf Lop
Totally cute

I adopted Kirk because they said he was grumpy. Well who other than me would adopt a grumpy bunny?

He really is a lovely little boy and he lived alone at first until we adopted magic. He is not grumpy at all, well unless you try to pick him up. He hates being picked up. Hates it with a passion and won't come near us if we've recently managed to nab him for a cuddle.

He lives outside in a large hutch and has a very large enclosure to zoom and binky around in. They can't be totally free range in the garden because well there isn't a fence between us and the neighbour on one side and the other side is a hedge. We hope to give them even more space soon esp as they are excellent little lawn mowers.

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