
By trimbolim

No Exit (for me, anyway)

Oh, my. I'm at the office very late writing annual performance reviews for my team. I am a HUGE procrastinator when it comes to these because t's the worst possible combination for me: very important and extremely boring. Actually, this is probably the absolute zenith of my pile of tasks that I put off. (Ooh, remind me to clean the furnace filter.)

I was at my desk so long tonight that one of the security guards shut off the lights on the floor. Couldn't he hear Dexter Gordon keeping me company while I slaved away? Anyway, all the little bits of electronics made strange glows everywhere. I must learn how to pop this camera into manual mode so I can do some longer exposures to capture fun things like that.

The good news is that shortly after this photo, I was able to finish the last review... only 4 days late this year! Woo hoo! Actually, I find that writing all this silliness in my blip journal in the past weeks has helped loosen up my seized up writing gears and made it much less painful. Must remember the rhythm: write, read, rewrite, read... good enough, send.

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