
By Durkonkell

Dammit, cat.

Since my cat was being friendly, I decided to try out my Field Expedient Reflector Array (yesterday's sheet of A4 glossy paper and octopus thing) on her.

It took quite a long time of manoeuvring the cat, myself, the flash and the reflector into the appropriate positions. I've also discovered that my cat won't look at me if I look through my viewfinder, so I was shooting from the hip too.

I was actually reasonably pleased with this shot! The framing is obviously wrong and the flash is too low (it was sitting on the floor), but the reflector seems to be doing it's job! Obviously my cat immediately stalked off and disappeared outside before I could even think of trying another shot. Damn it, Cat.

Still, we are getting closer to the objective of a nice, low-key, lit cat portrait. Maybe THAT'S the aim of this project? It may well take me the rest of the year to accomplish, at least.

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