They don't visit often....

.....and I have only seen them once or twice before. I think these birds may be Scaly-Breasted Lorikeets, but I'm not one hundred percent sure, so would appreciate it if anyone can identify them with certainty.

Regardless, there were four of them here this morning. They were hanging out with the Rainbow Lorikeets who seemed to tolerate them rather well, considering how protective they are of their food!

I took a few photos of these cuties but chose this one as I can image the one watching the one who is having a drink saying, "hold on tight, you might end up in the bath!"

A Moment of Pondering ~ Sometimes I think I should try to make my journal more interesting so I look around for different things to photograph, like the other day when I was determined to find something interesting away from my garden. Whilst it may be something "different", I just don't "feel" anything special about any photos I take which don't involve birds, my cats, scenes around my garden, views from my garden, or even the ocean. In short, I've decided that my "thing" is to take photos focusing around nature. I wonder if all blippers have a photographic niche? I love to look at the huge array of photos shown on blip though. Is sticking with taking photos that I personally feel a passion for playing it too safe and being a downright bore? Or is that what photography is all about, finding your passion and taking photos of it? I have so much to learn about photography....

'Tis Friday night and another weekend begins! Be happy, everyone. xx

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