
By Transitoire

Birthdays all around

Andy's birthday today, Clare's on it was decided that we should all go out to celebrate!

After a quick pre-drinks in the flat (where this photograph of Thom was taken); with Cards Against Humanity, some very strong absinthe, white wine with crème de cassis and various other beverages we made our merry way to The Clarendon. It ended up with about twenty people turning up, making us a very loud and very merry bunch! The food was great, as ever, and drinks were also very very good. Altogether the best start to an evening!

We then all began to head along The Parade, the main street in Leamington, and went along to a bar or two before a few people headed on to Evolve to carry on the party. I, however, was a little knackered and Thom was still slightly hungover from his evening before, so we headed back on the bus with Mike and Omar to head for home.

Highlights of the evening included; Mike tapping his cheeks and saying he couldn't feel them; Thom, Chandru and Sam's created snakes and ladders game, Andy trying to find his Nutella only to find that Kat had already taken it back to campus for him and he had run back up The Parade for no reason. I'm sure there were other things, but trying to remember them is a struggle!

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