Life's tangled skein

By atp

Speed Skating

The Forth Valley Ice Speed Club ( meets every Sunday evening at The Peka in Stirling to enjoy the sport of speed skating. Elise Christie, who skated magnifiecently but was disqualified on three separate occasions, started here.

The speed these guys get round the track is simply amazing!

They are recruiting new members just now - so as well as practising they had about fifteen people there who hadn't tried speed skating before. I have to admit I was tempted, but I am not sure that my skating technique is quite up to the mark yet!

From a photographic point of view, this wasn't an easy thing to shoot. They race round the rink way faster than the autofocus mechanism of my camera can handle, so I had to prefocus on a part of the ice, set manual focus, then simply spray 'n' pray. I got a good number of pictures that were in focus, but I reckon I have about a 30% throwaway ratio.

Anyway, it looks like an exhilerating sport. If you fancy giving it a try, why not contact the club at the website above?

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