Ellie Goulding at the O2

Today was another beautiful day. We drove over to Cambridge to visit Annie's stepmum - a lovely lunch followed by an afternoon of chatting.

Late afternoon we set off in the direction of London and the O2. As I (Chris) would be working in London on Monday we decided to trawl the hotel bargain sites and find a place to stay over. We ended up in Canary Wharf which is an odd, but fun, place to stay. We took the long way round to get to the O2, making use of the toy-trains of the DLR followed by the Emirates Air Line (the cable car across the Thames). A fun way to get there.

Ellie was on top form. Having seen her a couple of times before it was great to see how she has matured as a live artist despite being notoriously shy. Just the small camera with us and we were quite a long way from the stage so a slightly fuzzy photo, but great memories from the night. Couple more shots here.

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