Looking up...

By tralala


Only the Victorians could ever have created such fantastic chimney pots.

These ones are on a section of Bristol Temple Meads railway station, which was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and is just a short walk from my work, so a quick lunchtime blip. They really are quite impressive.

Yesterday turned into a bit of a disaster. The greenhouse frame went together beautifully but some of the glass was a real struggle, until we finally realised some panes were marginally bigger (by a ridiculous half a centimetre or so). By that time we had wasted a lot of time and done a fair bit of swearing.

I went off to collect daughter from school, took her to ballet and then we went home to find broken glass all over the garden. Hubby had managed to break three large panes of toughened safety glass while carrying it down the garden. Because it was safety glass it broke into tiny little pieces which immediately embedded themselves between every blade and tuft of glass. We then spent the next couple of hours sweeping and picking up glass by hand, and even hoovering. The neighbours must think we're crazy folk. We eventually covered one last area so the dog can't walk on it but we may have to strip off the grass and returf.

And, still no greenhouse. Sad face.

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