Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

32 years 3 days

'Twas my birthday on Sunday.
It seems that I have become one of those grown ups
Mother of two
Home owner (with the mortgage to show for it)
Two car family
And some hard decisions to make
But I still have the sense of humour of a teenage boy

These are my peas in a pod from my peas in a pod. They are so clever ordering things from the Internet at just shy of 7 months lol

I had Thor 2 and Rush off Mr L Chris Hemsworth overload but who's complaining

Works has approved my flexible working request :-( so I now have to decide what to do.
I'm swaying back and forth between returning or not.
The only plus sides I can find to going back is adult conversation (but will be working in an office away from my team so not as much as if I was in Cardiff) and a few pounds to call my own (not much once childcare is paid for it'll be more than our mortgage to put the boys in for three days a week excluding paying for food and any activities)
Think me and Mr L need to have a good think about it all.

Isaac seems to have got over his people issues but we are off to Cardiff to meet up with some bumps (one of which is due very soon) and babies so we'll see.
We seem to be back to good sleeping atm had a week of all night through off both boys a few nights of one wake up and all night last night.

Weaning is going well but we are still struggling to drop a bottle the amount in our mid morning bottle is dropping but they just don't want to give it up.

Both boys are trying to crawl god help me when they figure out what to do with their arms they get around easily enough by rolling!!!

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