Year Two, Day Fifty One -Through the Oblong Window

What a glorious day!

Got my work done by midday and had a tough decision on which way to drive home! It was either back to the M90, down the Old Military Road through Braemar or down the A9!

I decided to come down the A9 with hopes of getting some shots of snowy hills but it was too bright and somewhat hazy. Stopped at Ruthven Barracks - last time I stopped there they were doing some work and I couldn't get in. Not that there is all that much to see... Thought this was quite quirky!

Picked up the dog in Perth - my parents had taken the dog to the Hermitage for a walk and my dad had a slight accident with his camera... Dropped it, broke a lens and the body isn't working properly... Oh dear! WARNING! Don't carry your camera on your shoulder while walking the dog on the lead with the same arm...

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