Bye Bye

Bye bye little man, gone to Ferret rescue... hope you have a happy life. After yesterdays fun an games of finding this little chap, whilst out walking with a friend and 5 dogs, which all wanted to investigate the golden creature. After some discussion we decided he would probably die if left to wander and he seemed not to be worried by us or the dogs, so managed to get him in the dog cage, with the help of another friend, where he stayed while we walked the dogs, thankfully he didn't escape and eat my car. Home to the shed and had to look up what to feed him. Chicken seemed the best option, he didn't complain. Not impressed with the flea infestation he clearly had, noted as they crawled around the towel I had put in for him to lie on! After some research and emails I eventually found a lovely rescue place that said they would collect him today, which they did. Hope he gets a lovely home.

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