Jessie's Girl

By jessiesgirl

I (Almost!) Died Today.

Southern Ontario was hit with yet another storm today. We went from a sunny day of 11 Celsius to 25 cm of snow in only a few hours.

I had a productive day at work while Mojo had a great play date at the Crowe family.

I picked him up a 6:00 pm, and off we went! In a matter of minutes, Mojo was asleep on the front seat.

The drive was slow, but fine. Until I proceeded through an intersection under a bridge. Out of nowhere, a car barrelled through a red light. My only way to avoid being hit was to accelerate and drive up onto the sidewalk.

The car missed me. I sat there, engine running, adrenaline pumping. A Hydro truck stopped and the lovely gentlemen tapped on my window. "Ma'am, that was like something out of a movie. That guy was such an A-Hole! Are you okay?"

A few minutes later, my car pushed back to the road, and we were on our way. And Mojo? He never even woke up. A successful playdate for sure.

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