An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Getting Away from it all...

This is my Blip for yesterday - Wednesday.

I had to sleep rough last night as I found out that the last night bus I used to get and planned to get had been cut. And it was cold, later with a nagging and heavy enveloping fog that literally had trees 'raining'.

My promises to myself to never take a photo again soon dissipated after reading yet more wonderful and heart-lifting comments and thoughts on my Blip of Julian. It's been said by many of you, how great Blip is and Blippers - and I only lost one subscriber for being so honest...Thank you ALL again. Now, I'm quite keen to move on from that - and him, if I may, to...

My 20+ mile walk yesterday started at Bournemouth Hospital and followed the River Stour, eventually to pass Christchurch on the 'far' bank. Up and onto Hengistbury Head. If you drive, you can to within a few hundred yards, if you don't it's miles - the path signpost said nearly five.

I had done this walk many years ago when I had first gone digital. Due to a failure in the first external hard-drive (Seagate, so quality doesn't count) I lost them all.

It was good to be back. The weather glorious, people in shirt-sleeves, a slight sea-mist keeping things a bit of a mystery. A new Visitor's Centre has been opened since - I didn't quite get round to popping in - as I wanted to go where I hadn't been before, along under its cliffs.

Which is where this was taken. Compare the number of people on this beach to those around Studland or Sandbanks on such a glorious day. See how crowded it is in LARGE

Here is a cliff-fall, the colour of it being a very rich orangey yellow - a mixture of iron, gravels and such, I think. Therefore, the colours really glowed. I took my tripod around with me all day (and night!) and did many time exposures with the 10 stop neutral density.

It was mainly used for night-time exposures in the moon-light, though and as these were taken after midnight, one of those will be tomorrow's - oops, I mean today's blip, to be posted MUCH later.

I ache a lot am still quite upset and angry about the way bus drivers tell you to just 'get a taxi' and so will keep it quiet and simple today - and a bath as soon as that hot water boils...

Lens is Nikkor 10-24mm

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