Tito's yacht, the Galeb

Rijeka is now home to Tito's yacht, the Galeb. It's not in very good condition, especially on the outside (apparently it's still nicely fitted up inside) and it has had something of a chequered history since Tito's death in 1980. Some of it is related here, but the last resting place is inaccurate. A year or so ago, according to my informants last night, it was moved from a dock outside the centre of Rijeka right into the middle. In fact, I can actually see it quite well from my hotel window, although there is a fair amount of 'city clutter' in the way, which impairs the sightline. Anyway, it was exciting to see such an important piece of social and indeed diplomatic history, as Tito used to use it for entertaining world leaders. I couldn't get very close - it's in a closed area of the docks and I had to take this through a fence.

I've had a very quiet day, largely working in my hotel room, and just venturing out for some lunch in a konoba by the market which I found recommended in Tripadvisor as the place where local intellectuals went. In fact, it rather did fit that bill - as I could tell from the types of other people who were eating there. I guess there aren't that many tourists in town, but those that are certainly hadn't made their way to this konoba. Excellent fried squid. An Adriatic essential.

And my hotel blip was a rather fine sunset behind the Istrian hills.

Moving on tomorrow.

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