London fog

Rather foggy morning today. Handily, I had my 'proper' camera with me, as I had been asked to take some photos at an event after work tonight. Didn't have much time though, so took a few quick shots from Platform 1 at Cannon Street, looking across to London Bridge and Tower Bridge.

Haven't yet had a chance to look closely at the photos I took for the work event, but I think I got a few decent ones (phew). It was a really interesting talk, followed by a fun wine reception. Haven't been to one of those at work for ages - it was nice to unwind a bit with some of my colleagues. And free booze, yay!

Came home (Tim met me from the station) to find that work had started inside our flat - our dining room windows had all been stripped of paint, as had the ceiling in there. Took us a while to notice though, as they had left everything so incredibly clean and tidy! Bodes well for the rest of the work... :)

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