Gifts of Grace

By grace

Qadriya Sufis Omdurman

Oh the joy of editing with ease! WordPress returned to normal service this morning. Such a relief, and something of a waste of a few days because I couldn’t trust/know that it would be sorted out so soon. C’est la vie.

The guys in the image above are the ones I was writing about on the blog yesterday. For most of my life I have not owned a camera.  By far the majority of images used on the blog have been taken by other people, I am indebted to them for whatever visual records survive. Now that I appreciate the power of photographs more I rather wish I’d had the bug earlier in life. So I’ve decided to put the occasional link on here that relates to what I’m writing about elsewhere. It seems too incongruous to interrupt the narrative on the blog with technologies that were not even dreamt of in the years I am writing about.

This is the sound that first drew me out across the desert, turn up the volume, they’re just warming up here :)

And this is a more recent photojournalist's take on the Friday night zikr.

#am posting - with ease, it feels like a miracle!
Oh and I got my ritual back - synchronous posting, hurrah!

Oh and apropos nothing at all here's my celebrity crush, Michael Ignatieff, and other clever people talking about how we make choices. A joy to see MI is recovering his charming self-deprecating demeanour after a hapless foray into Canadian politics. He's safely back where he belongs, in academia.

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