
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Apparently the only day of the year I don't wear green trainers.

Well, there is a reason. I wore my ruby red slippers today as a nod to the Ehbirdeen cup win yesterday. And the Liverpool win. And the Man U loss.

Why? Well, at the risk of sounding like a fuckin broken record (which I might add does not come even close to my dulcet tones unless it's a Nat King Cole 78, coincidentally the corresponding rhyming slang for Nat King makes my voice go at least two or three keys lower; how cool is that? Never thought about it like that before!), it was Dad's birthday yesterday (would have been) and one of my finest football memories of me and him is not, as you might assume, Hibs related.

It was 1984 (if I remember correctly), Aberdeen & Dundee Utd had become the New Firm (to the press anyway), Aberdeen happened to get themselves into the European Cup Winners Cup final. Back in those days folk had resident trannys. Now, these days that sound dodgy as fuck, but to my dad, this just meant a transistor radio.

So, we're listening to the big match, insanely Aberdeen win, cue Dad & I (I think Viki too) jumping round the living room shouting 'ABERDEEN, ABERDEEN, ABERDEEN'.

Fond as fuck memories.

Plus David loves red.

Which brings me nicely round to him. He's been doing amazingly well at the old cross country running. His maternal grandpas was a champion long distance runner, my dad was a splendid athlete, I do believe both grannies were pretty sporty. So, I don't think anyone can take the prize for best genes. I reckon It's down to me but purely to annoy anyone with any interested genes ;)

So, unfortunately David was feeling pretty ill yesterday and today. Unfortunate as it was the inter school cross country race down Inverleith today @ 11am.

I think I managed to explain to David how is final placing, although a disappointment to him, was still an excellent result and a great achievement.

Although being ill, swollen glands, wheezy cough, headache, David came...
...First out of his whole school.
...59th overall but out of 250 other kids!

Fucking excellent in my or pretty much anyone's book, I reckon.

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