Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

The Great Mouse Sewing Bee

This weeks challenge was Jim Jams.

I went for shorts ready for the warmer weather that seems to have buggered off again.

also I only just had enough fabric so phew on the decision to make shorts.

There was definitely a lot more construction involved than a skirt, but I worked methodically through the instructions there may have been a few head scratching moments and hey presto they came together like magic.

The top is actually too big, as my bust measurement was between pattern sizes I opted for the larger option, better to be safe than sorry, plus extra wiggle room in jammies is no bad thing. Already planning more and Mr Mouse wants some bottoms in funky fabric.

Next project will be a dress I think.

And yep I'm looking forwards to tonight's episode of the Great British Sewing Bee, who else is watching?

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