
Being the latest addition to Lindy's family, Milo immediately found a place in everybody's heart!

After scouting around, he also found his place on a couch!

He is a Whippet, a sight hound, 13 weeks old, and has a silky smooth skin the colour of Milo. It might be classified yellow fawn?
He still has a lovely blue tone to his eyes, I hope some of it remains.

Needless to say he is delightful in all respects: playful and very inquisitive. Has twice 'fallen' into the pool and now the pool fence is being covered with wire mesh.

Still a puppy, already certain traits and characteristics of this breed are strongly displayed.
His strong physique indicates that he will be one to contend with when matters arise where speed and pursuing power are factors.

It was not difficult to fall in love again.

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