Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


It was a studio evening at the club this evening. A full turnout pretty much which makes for a cosy evening. We desperately need more room for events like this.

There was a late change to the line-up too. Our planned model had to pull out having broken her ankle. Thankfully one of the members talked the manager of the centre where we meet to act as stand-in. Fiona had never done anything like this, and, it is quite daunting having a row of people snapping away with all kinds of cameras. She did really well and I'm sure there are going to be some great pictures of her. I only did a hand full of images to check the lighting & exposure settings, so not a brilliant shot, but, I hope it does Fiona justice. No fancy processing, just a quick levels tweak.

Because of the limited space and time, we don't have much chance to play around with lighting, so it was a quick set up to do high key lighting and background, but it does give many club members access to do this kind of shot.

At least we didn't get thrown out and banned from the centre ;-)

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