
By bugsman

Baby Mockingbird

I took a few decent shots today, but decided to use this slightly fuzzy, focused on the wrong area, shaky shot of the baby mocking bird. Here's the story:

We have mockingbirds everywhere and there are several nests (at last count, at least 4) all over the property. Well we've seen eggs in all of them but never the hatching. This little guy and also a brother or sister were hatched in the grape arbor we have. We found the nest in the grape vine and watched the eggs and finally got to see these two little guys; however, I was out today watering and weeding and saw the nest empty. I was whining to my hubby about the babies being gone, they must have learned to fly, blah, blah, blah - well I finally came out with my camera and kept hearing this peeping noise - so I followed it and there they were two little mockingbirds trying their best to fly about. They were in the rose bushes.

Very cute and sweet and that's why you have to look at this blurry shot of one of them.

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