Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Las Fallas

The reason we came to Valencia this weekend was for Las Fallas, a celebration where the Valencianos essentially welcome spring. The origins of the festival began with the carpenters in Valencia. As spring approached days got longer and some winter supplies were no longer necessary. In order to get rid of them, they burned them. Nowadays, the celebration is much more elaborate. There are fallas workshops that work to design and construct the pieces of art throughout the year. Hear you can see Moses at the municipal plaza.

Here's a quick rundown on our activities today.
-Had breakfast at around 11, which included beer!
-Climbed up the tower at the Valencia Cathedral
-Looked at the fallas
-Watched/listened to the mascleta (like daytime fireworks. It was intense!)
-Browsed through the mercat (mercado)
-Had lunch outside
-Looked at more fallas
-Took a break at the hotel (which we had already checked out of)
-Looked at more fallas
-Had dinner in a "cave"
-Had dessert at an horchateria
-Took a break at the hotel before heading back to Madrid at 3am Sunday

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