Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


My Nana and Pop (Grandparents) absolutely love sending us home with trinkets when we are down visiting them. They literally take us on a tour of all of the drawers and closets in their home searching for "gems" that my sister and I "just can't live without". We are always very gracious and appreciative with them during the tour because it brings them so much joy. As they are watching us ooh and awe with a twinkle in their eye, we collect everything from airplane sleeping masks, to unopened packages of socks, to costume jewelry and finally, to this lovely ballerina.

My Nana and Pop were world travelers. They were hard working people who spent their retirement exploring new continents. Now in their 80's, they have chosen not to travel anymore but their overflowing closets and drawers full of knick knacks from Egypt, Thailand, Jerusalem, etc.,provide them with a constant reminder of where they have been and what they have seen in their lives together. Every item offered has a detailed story to follow and the way they light up when telling the stories (my Pop especially) makes the tour even more of a special experience.

The funny thing about the trinkets is that I usually absolutely love them. I have collected little "genie in a bottle" jeweled pieces, beautiful old hand bags, a retro pitcher and glass set, and one of my favorites is the old camera that I blipped a couple of weeks ago. I am almost always a sight to be seen when we are boarding the plane for home because:

A) I just can't say no to my Nana and Pop when they are trying to give me the
"priceless and one of a kind" vase (with a crack but it's been glued well) AND
B) I just kind of like funky things and have had fun finding ways to display a lot of
it in our house giving me a constant reminder of my Grandparents.

I am the passenger lugging a huge oversized piece of carry-on luggage that my Pop has insisted that "all girls need" and always face the dilemma of how to store it .....overhead or crammed under the seat. I guess the moral of this little story is simple, I happily take their offerings because I really do think that it makes them feel like that chapter in their life will not be completely over if other people are able to continue to admire their treasures.

This little ballerina has become a treasure to me. It is displayed in our family room on our book shelf and it was calling out to be blipped today. It is an interesting little piece of art and when my daughter is old enough to appreciate the history behind it, I will gift it to her. My hope is that the memories, adventures, and experiences that my Grandparents had during their travels will continue to live on through the generations in the form of these treasures and the stories that each and every one of them possess. I love my Nana and Pop dearly and the "house tour" is always a wonderful bonding experience for us all!

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