Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Floral display

Another evening spent with D & R in Ashbourne after a bit of a nothing day otherwise (mostly wet and miserable). I caught up on some sleep in the afternoon and arrived safely despite being without right-front indicator and headlight bulbs.

Poor Derek is suffering from whatever the dose is that's 'going around', so I didn't stay as long as usual. He and I chatted about cameras and photography while Rita slaved away in the kitchen preparing supper (well he listened while I talked, still full of excitement about the X100 since it came back from Fuji with its new lens assembly). We decided to have a camera shoot-out some time next month.

I'd fully intended trying some low-light fast-shutter shots of Ellie the cat while I was there but all she wanted to do was snuggle up and have attention paid to her, so I had to settle for a couple of quick shots of this floral display on the coffee table beside me. Not satisfied with leaving as it was, I did a bit of post-pocessing afterwards, playing with Photoshop's Blend If sliders in the Layer Style dialogue. I need more practice.

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