
By LadyFindhorn

Jack Frost

It was so cold overnight that Prestonfield golf course presented a patchwork of frosted grass. There were hardy golfers out early taking advantage of the morning sun.

I had a bracing walk round Arthur's Seat and the cold air meant that the views of the city were pin sharp. Everyone I passed was well wrapped up except for the joggers who obviously generated enough heat running up the hill that they could afford not to wear anoraks or overcoats. The difference from yesterday was that there was no bitter north wind.

The trouble with living in an old stone castle is that it's often warmer outside than inside.
Instead of having the central heating running 24/7 we have taken to wearing so many clothes that we resemble Lord and Lady Blobby. It's hardly an elegant sight but I reckon it's better than hypothermia.
However cold it appears to us now, it doesn't match the cold of yesteryear when there was no central heating and we woke up to ice on the inside of the bedroom windows. I used to go to bed wearing a jumper, bedsocks and gloves so that I could read without frost bite setting in. We have definitely moved on, now I can dispense with the gloves.........!

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