BethaBlip 36...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I take the same photo in the same place each 1st and 15th of each month along with a wee diary of what has happened and how life has progressed for each of them. Bethany on the 1st and Ewan on the 15th. It is quite remarkable and is accentuated by the 1 year ago thumbnail down in the bottom right.

Bethany has changed her sleep pattern slightly recently. I guess it's the whole nursery tiring her out but most nights, she about falls asleep or snoozes in the half hour before her actual bedtime at 1930. If she gets to bed fully lucid, it takes all but 2 lines of whatever song is in vogue (currently Teenage Fanclub's Sparky's Dream and the theme to Super Mario Brothers) to put her out for the count. The last couple of nights she's been sleeping right through as well.

Both the kids had their first overnighter with Granny and Grandpa Alloa this month. They did brilliantly giving Grandpa no problems in the story, song, sleep, 3 s's. This was a wee dry run for them staying over by themselves later in the month when we go for our annual christmas dinner with friends.

Tonight we had Daddy pasta (Bacon and cream(Elmlea)) with an added twist. Tonight Bethany decided it needed garnished with finely chopped imaginary wasp. I willingly obliged but then dinner conversation needed to revolve around the differences between real wasps and imaginary wasps. I love the unadulterated imagination of a child.

Bethany wanted to do a Bethanised version of this one.

You can check out the rest of this series and see her progress by entering the words tagged BethaBlip into the Blip Search facility.

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