
By CoffeePotter

Crack Cocaine or just Crackers?

This is evidently what Kirsty Allsopp called the 'crack cocaine of craft world' - it's called a "Free machine picture". I did a workshop on how to make them this morning, and this is the result.

Basically, you learn to use your sewing machine to 'draw' with and it goes against all that you've been taught - neatness, straight lines, etc.

We attached the bits of fabric onto the backing and then free-sewed them into place.

In case you're wondering, the "V"s are supposed to be birds flying, and the wiggly thing towards the bottom is a railway line. Rather like a joke - if you've got to explain it then it's not very good! Nikonabike said I should have put some points in and a siding to show that it's a railway - I was struggling with the trees, so I think points would have been a bit beyond me!

As you can see, I'm afraid that I'm no Turner, and trying to design the picture in the first place, I found very hard. It's a great way to use up scraps and bits and pieces. The workshop does carry a health warning though:- "Be warned this activity is highly addictive!!"

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