"Public Piano Project"

Accommodation with extensive sea views.
Glorious sunrises and sunsets
Close to local amenities with mod cons nearby
Within the historical capital of Scotland and Festival City of Edinburgh
Air conditioning and solar heating
Complete with music centre (piano) and soft flooring

Desirable residence ???

During the last few days this sixman tent has been pitched on the sands of Portobello Beach after the owner was thrown out of the family home because “I talk too much.” The man is a highly qualified piano tuner and has taken a piano into the tent which he is happy for people who are passing by to play and said he has been overwhelmed by the friendliness of the local people. According to a radio interview this morning he said he had always wanted to live with a piano on the beach and intends doing so as long as he can before the council evicts him. He then intends leaving the tent and piano on the beach as “Porty People’s Public Piano Project” street art. Fortunately for him no high spring tides are forecast in the near future but I suspect he would not get flood insurance nor will he be there for long anyway.

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