Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


Everything today was broken.

I worked this morning - just half the day (result!) - I had just one job to complete. To find out why my query that extracts data from many places to give a specific report wasn't extracting something that really should, no, must be there. I couldn't understand why it was broken. In the end, it wasn't the report, it was the data that was broken. It was coming out but was actually masquerading as something else! Phew!

The afternoon was to get other things repaired (or in this case, identify it so I can get the correct replacement part).

Task one - replace school shoes. Not mine I hope you understand. It's been while since I went. Jonathan's shoes had seen better days. In fact, they were unfit for wearing - he just hadn't bothered to say. Boys!

Second task - take his laptop to be repaired. Thankfully, on account of it originally being Jamie's laptop, we took out the repair insurance. That's paid dividends. After Jonathan dropped said laptop shortly after I reconnected his room to the internet on Sunday, it has come into play again. Ten days should see it back with (another) shiny new screen. Result!

Third task, was to identify the lock that has broken in the patio doors. I tried getting a locksmith out at the weekend. I called several, none of which could be bothered to answer their phones. The one I did manage to speak to wasn't available, but I was told they'd call back. Guess what? Of course they didn't. It never ceases to amaze me how tradesmen actually make a living in an age where the can so quickly pick up a bad reputation.

Anyhow, today I decided to take the lock out again to see if I could identify it after speaking to a really helpful guy at an on-line and real store (I won't advertise, but put together the words multi point locks and you get their website if you need a replacement UPVC door locking mechanism (not just the Euro-cylinder - the whole shooting match). I'm hoping one of their locks is a direct replacement. I'm also hoping it will cost me just 15% of the cost of getting a locksmith out! Result!

Hopefully a productive day repairing things!

Anways, this is the broken lock pushed through polar coordinates in PS.

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