
It was a day of brilliant sunshine but with a nasty nippit wind. I had to go up town to sit nursing the computer in the office whilst it restarted itself three or four times, which wasted a lot of time but at least got me standing at the bus stop on the Shore in daylight. I observed a moorhen hastenening towards the pile of unstable twigs in the centre of the river with a lovely new....twig. Then I realised that there was another moorhen already on the unstable twigs - it's a nest! Or that's what they think, anyhow, if a moorhen can be said to think.

Edit: This is a bit further down the river, but I wonder if it's the same pair that we saw last year?

Later on we went across town to visit Elaine - it was far too long since we'd seen each other. There were lots of adventures to recount, so much so that we scarcely talked shop at all. A very pleasant evening.

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