such, such were the joys.

By Chaps100


“You know me better than you think, you know, and you shall know me better yet.” I started on the first of the Narnia books yesterday - after finishing Martyn Pig on Tuesday night - and I'm surprisingly captivated. Martyn Pig (written by Kevin Brooks) and it's OK I suppose; I've already read it twice before, but I wanted to get it checked off of my book list. I love Kevin Brooks as a modern author: especially for younger readers, but my problem with this book is that it's so frustrating. There's a lot of blatant lying in order for people to get what they want, but they could have also got their way if they'd told the truth in the first place - unnecessary parts of the story line like this really annoy me.

Anyway, The Magician's Nephew is a wonderful book -everyone has the ignorance to think that The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe came first, but if you really think about it, quite a lot of the things brought up in that book don't make sense. And, obviously, the actual first book explains it all.

I'm rather getting in to this reading lark.

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