
By ausmossie


I hate shopping. I went shopping for a pair of shoes today. There is a famous market here in Shenyang called Wu Ai Shi Chang. Th eliteral transdlation is 5 (wu) love (ai) market (shi chang). It is 4 huge buildings filled with just about every household item you could imagine including clothes and shoes. There are hundreds of tiny shops where usually a man and a woman sit and wait for passersby. Most of the shops have the same thing. There were lots and lots and lots of shoes. Most of them very cheap crap and once I stepped away from the very cheap crap, the people tried to rip me off blind so I got pissed off and walked away.

I didn't take any pictures inside but took this one out the back of the market where truck after truck was unloading. The guys unloading the trucks take as much as they can in one trip. These two guys were struggling to balance all this on one trolley and tie it up.

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