
By todayoutof10

When no-one is watching...

Glasgow Central train station has erected a big countdown noticeboard to remind us that we'll soon enough be welcoming the Commonwealth and their greatest athletes to our city.

I was excited to see it today.

The Commonwealth Baton will pass through the area where I work in July. Not only that, it will stop in the school where I will be working at Summer Camp!

We'll be celebrating with the kids, playing games and having a breakfast of champions as we welcome - and hopefully get our hands on - the actual baton!

I love athletes. I love what they represent, how hard they work, their commitment and sacrifice and how they inspire the next generation who want to be faster, harder and stronger.

I'm reminded of a quote - victories are earned when no one is watching.

I'm getting ready to go out dancing tonight. Later, I'll raise a glass and spare a thought for the athletes in the Commonwealth, and beyond, who are sacrificing much in their quest for greatness.

Today outof10? An inspiring 8.7 ❤️

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